Civil Process Search


The information and data contained on this web page is maintained by the Guilford County Sheriff's Office. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Sheriff's Office at (336) 641-3735.

To Search By:

  • Name or Business, enter last name, first name or business name. Look up, the search results will display.
  • Court Docket Number, enter court docket number. Look up, the search results will display.
  • Address, enter street number or street name. Lookup, the search results will display.
  • Clear Results after each search prior to beginning a new search.

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Received DateDocket NumberNameService TypeDisposition DateStatus
10/30/2024 12:15 PM 11/5/2024 12:00 AMUnserved
9/16/2024 3:57 PM24CV003612-400 AL HUSAYEN, IBRAHIM 10/14/2024 1:14 PMReturned Unserved
11/19/2024 10:23 AM24CV024606-400 BLINN, KEITH AIn Person11/26/2024 11:41 AMServed
12/4/2024 4:43 PM24CV025381-400 FARRINGTON, REGISPosted12/5/2024 11:11 AMServed
8/13/2024 11:04 AM24CV017744-400 GRUBB, DONNAPosted8/14/2024 1:12 PMServed
10/30/2024 9:18 AM24CV024197-400 LANE, PAULIn Person11/5/2024 2:57 PMServed
11/21/2024 12:00 AM24CV022153-400 ROBINSON, RYAN DIn Person11/27/2024 3:30 PMServed
1/22/2025 9:57 AM23CVD003119-400 WILLIAMS, DEONIn Person1/24/2025 9:00 AMServed
8/27/2024 12:00 AM24CVD4534,MENDEZ, LUIS GARZAIn Person9/10/2024 5:16 PMServed
8/20/2024 11:17 AM24CV016881-4001205In Person8/27/2024 9:50 AMServed
1/16/2025 12:00 AM25CV000057-000122 ALAMANCE LLC 1/30/2025 2:19 PMReturned Unserved
12/2/2024 12:18 PM24CV024875-4002267 AUTO SALESIn Person12/6/2024 10:02 AMServed
8/20/2024 10:38 AM24CVS003073-4003 PILLAR HOMES LLCIn Person10/30/2024 11:13 AMServed
9/3/2024 12:00 AM24CVS004389-4003610 CLIFTON ROAD ASSOC LLC 12/2/2024 9:04 AMReturned Unserved
9/5/2024 2:19 PM24CV019910-400417 GUILFORD LLC 9/19/2024 6:50 AMReturned Unserved
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